“Nihon Mirai Ken”is an organization launched for the Members of Parliament, Academicians, Bureaucrats, and Corporate CEOs to discuss and formulate “The Future of Japan and the World”, In January 2012 it obtained corporate status as a General Incorporated Association.
At “Nihon Mirai Ken”, all our participants act respondibly, conducting goal oriented activities to develop and support human resource. ontributing to the society and leading to better future. We propse and promote initiatives that directly contribute to local communities through our network involving Industry, Academia, Goverment and Politics.
Also established are “Mirai Ken Projects” and “Global Mirai Ken”.
“Mirai Ken Projects” involves forming initiatives, partnering with various organizations and conducting educational campaigns, while “Global Mirai Ken” discusses and undertakes initiatives to contribute towards international economy, diplomacy and global peace. -
All are welcome to participate in “Nihon Mirai Ken”. We look forward for your activ participation.
名称 | 一般社団法人日本みらい研 |
住所 |
〒102-0093 東京都千代田区平河町2-16-6 jeVビル7F(ジェイイーファイブビル7F) TEL 03(5215)6071 FAX 03(5215)6072 |
代表 | 代表理事 髙松重雄 |
概要 |
設立年月日 2010年6月11日 社団法人化 2012年1月16日 主たる目的(定款抜粋) 地球、ひと、モノにやさしい活力あふれるニッポンの創造と全員参加のわかりやすい政策づくりを目指し、政・産・学・官連携の勉強会の運営、プロジェクトの推進、政策の提案、その他当法人の目的を達成するために必要な事業を行なう |